Somewhere hate …

Somewhere hate lies so deep
   that all humanity is disregarded
   for ideology
This sanctimonious self-righteous 
   belief system – so rigid -
so cast in cement -
so embedded in Vishnu Schist,
that even the explosion of murderous rage
   leaves it solidified
   and time carries the vitreous
Outward – onward – it endures  
No child’s innocence
   or future dreams 
   stop this pulsing, pounding
   anger. Cardiac spark.
White hooded and Swastikaed
   edgy and bulleted. 
No documented accounts, 
   history or Gospel, 
   written by holy men or sinners 
   reread over centuries
Illuminate or Delineate
No headline expose’ 
   stirs a sense of guilt or consciousness
   in our shared soup.
We step over the bones.
Another building splintered and ripped
More living flesh discarded with rubble
Our history stamped with sleazy politicians and sex,
moneyed corruption, vicious assaults, and rape.
We watch TV
We tap on keyboards
We play
As our future spins away.