Pitchforks and Wind

Bred for competition and consumption 
The angry mob levels their eyes – 
  A study in self-righteous indignation 
  and the celebration of judgment and ridicule.
Whether through team spirit or mob mentality, 
  this ideology is pedestalled and revered. 
The littered ground of discarded logic, 
   open dialogue, and rational civility
 becomes a mountain -  Stung Meanchey.

The enemy stands before them
Multifaceted and kaleidoscoped
A harmony of differences and individuals
  The Pollock/Krasner floor
A suppliant hat in closed fist
  The ship in the harbor – waiting
     Just waiting a turn
Empyrean shadowed but overheard
  A vertical progression - Socrates and Glaucon
The melting pot so long ignored
All possible permutations expired.

    It’s coming – pitchforks and windblown.