Above Robert’s Farm

Above Robert’s farm in the high meadow
   behind the stone walls –
those hand laid field markers
separating crops from mystical woods –
   I walked.
Early morning rays
   over new greenery and distant hills
began touching lightly the fern leaves
and wet stones
In a clearing, a shagbark hickory
   graced this view  
somewhat solitary in its splendor
regal above the huckleberries and milkweed
But as the wings of the morning rose
   shadows moved westward
   and new light of this day
   dressed the curling bark 
in rich honey and breathtaking gold
And radiantly, it glowed, as finches
   lifted from branches
   and took flight
I sat as the day awoke
and imagined
   each spring –
   a new seasoned flock
   separating from these giving limbs
finding their own way
to new skies