The Glenn

From the parking lot
across macadam
   heated by a constant, summer sun
  and ornamented 
  with circling, muttering flies,
we crossed
past the gate
   to the wooded path
   worn down by other feet
   and hooves of deer.
It descended at a slight pitch
   to a cornfield apparently abandoned 
   except for a doe and her twins
   indifferent to our quiet observation
   and clicking shutters
A stream became evidenced 
   through its melodic interruption of the still…
   a still that held and caught our breaths.
The cool, moist shift in temperature 
raised goose bumps
   and the speed at which we hiked
to The Glen

The late summer had tamed this progression
   of water over inorganic stone
   that now suggested existence
as cascading molecules crashed
   into each other and those combing mosses,
   brachythecium rivulare,
a green so potent, 
so verdant, that Eden swelled.
Other hikers were at the water’s edge
calling to their Golden Retriever
   (who could blame her)
   for she had taken a plunge into the cold.
Fern laced the top of the path
with broken light and dancing patterns,
   against eastern pine and diseased hemlocks.
That constant slap of current had cut 
cylindrical holes 
   and even sharper hollows into the hardness 
   pushed upward by continental shifting
Deeper into the day’s darkness. 
we walked and climbed
   primeval, elemental views
   and the feel of slippery earth.